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Live from WLX in Lawrenceburg, TN

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London, GB
4:41 am, Dec 12, 2024
weather icon 43°F
L: 43° H: 47°
overcast clouds
Humidity Humidity 87 %
Wind Gust Wind Gust 0 mph
UV Index UV Index 0
Precipitation Precipitation 0 inch
Rain Chance Rain Chance 0%
Visibility Visibility 6 mi
Sunrise 7:57 am
Sunset 3:51 pm
Daily ForecastHourly Forecast
Today overcast clouds
weather icon
43°47°°F 0 inch 0% 8 mph 91 % 1031 mb 0 mm/h
Tomorrow overcast clouds
weather icon
45°47°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 82 % 1025 mb 0 mm/h
Saturday light rain
weather icon
40°45°°F 0.01 inch 20% 9 mph 81 % 1022 mb 0 mm/h
Sunday light rain
weather icon
39°48°°F 0.01 inch 20% 8 mph 93 % 1029 mb 0 mm/h
Monday scattered clouds
weather icon
44°49°°F 0 inch 0% 8 mph 73 % 1034 mb 0 mm/h
Tuesday overcast clouds
weather icon
45°56°°F 0 inch 0% 22 mph 85 % 1017 mb 0 mm/h
Wednesday light rain
weather icon
47°55°°F 0.01 inch 20% 25 mph 61 % 1016 mb 0 mm/h
Thursday light rain
weather icon
40°47°°F 0.01 inch 20% 10 mph 60 % 1009 mb 0 mm/h

Your 7-Day Forecast

Current Weather Additional Data
London, GB
4:41 am, Dec 12, 2024
weather icon 43°F
Low: 43° High: 47°
overcast clouds
Humidity Humidity 87 %
Pressure Pressure 1032 mb
Wind Wind 5 mph NNE
Wind Gust Wind Gust 0 mph
UV Index UV Index 0
Precipitation Precipitation 0 inch
Clouds Clouds 100%
Rain Chance Rain Chance 0%
Visibility Visibility 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise 7:57 am
Sunset Sunset 3:51 pm
Daily Forecast
Weather Condition Comport Precipitation
Day Condition Temperature PrecipitationAmount Rain ChanceRain Chance WindWind HumidityHumidity PressurePressure
Today 11:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
43° | 47°°F 0 inch 0% 8 mph 91 % 1031 mb
Tomorrow 11:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
45° | 47°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 82 % 1025 mb
Dec 14 11:00 am
weather icon light rain
40° | 45°°F 0.01 inch 20% 9 mph 81 % 1022 mb
Dec 15 11:00 am
weather icon light rain
39° | 48°°F 0.01 inch 20% 8 mph 93 % 1029 mb
Dec 16 11:00 am
weather icon scattered clouds
44° | 49°°F 0 inch 0% 8 mph 73 % 1034 mb
Dec 17 11:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
45° | 56°°F 0 inch 0% 22 mph 85 % 1017 mb
Dec 18 11:00 am
weather icon light rain
47° | 55°°F 0.01 inch 20% 25 mph 61 % 1016 mb
1 to 8 of 0 results
Hourly Forecast
Weather Condition Comport Precipitation
Day Condition Temperature PrecipitationAmount Rain ChanceRain Chance WindWind HumidityHumidity PressurePressure
Today 4:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
44° | 0 inch 0% 6 mph 83 % 1032 mb
Today 5:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
43° | 0 inch 0% 5 mph 87 % 1032 mb
Today 6:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
44° | 0 inch 0% 5 mph 84 % 1032 mb
Today 7:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
44° | 0 inch 0% 5 mph 85 % 1032 mb
Today 8:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
44° | 0 inch 0% 4 mph 85 % 1032 mb
Today 9:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
45° | 0 inch 0% 4 mph 87 % 1032 mb
Today 10:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
46° | 0 inch 0% 3 mph 89 % 1032 mb
Today 11:00 am
weather icon overcast clouds
46° | 0 inch 0% 3 mph 91 % 1031 mb
1 to 8 of 0 results

Live Radar

History Of the Color Radar AT WLX

moving forward

As the 80’s approached, it was plain to see that the community was lacking early detection, and that adequate warnings were something desperately needed. In 1987, before 88d radars were being installed across the country, WLX installed one of the very first color weather radars in the state of Tennessee. The station used the in-studio radar to supplement the National Weather Service NEXRAD radar which they had access to. By using both resources they were to provide additional information that NWS could not dispense about potential tornados below 10,000 feet in the area.

Roger Wright 1987

Radio station owner Roger Wright, who grew up in the Dunn community near Lawrenceburg and Leoma, recalls experiencing severe storms and tornado threats during his childhood. Although none directly impacted his family’s house and farm, one tornado came dangerously close, causing significant damage to a neighbor’s house just a mile north. Thankfully, there were no injuries, but scars were left behind.

Fast forward to the early 70s, a tornado struck the Horseshoe Bend area just south of Lawrenceburg, destroying multiple houses and causing injuries. Similar to past incidents, there was no warning before this tornado hit.

Today in Weather

 For years to follow, WLX became a place to turn to for weather locally and as technology in detecting tornadoes evolved it was determined in 2020, following two tornadoes that caused substantial damage in Lawrenceburg with no warnings, that a new radar was needed. The effort began to install a radar with not only velocity, but other NWS features capable of detecting tornadoes and other weather phenomenon in the local area. The radar was installed the next year and continues to serve the community today. 

At present, the WLX radar is manned 24/7 during severe weather to provide as much warning as possible to the Tennessee Valley region.

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