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The Lawrence County Commission will meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 28th at 5:00 PM in Courtroom A, located upstairs at the Lawrence County Courthouse. Commission meetings are open to the public and a time at the beginning of the meeting is provided for residents to comment on matters that are relevant to the items on the agenda. A sign-in sheet for those wishing to address the Commission is available before the Call to Order and those who do not sign in will not be recognized. There is a time limit of three minutes for each speaker. Agenda items include; the election to fill the vacancy of District 4 commissioner, and several resolutions to be made such as; budget for the city and schools, electing members for the agricultural extension committee, approving road list, appointing delinquent tax attorney, accepting the recycling grant, accept proposal from EMS Management, make a contribution to the City of Loretto sewer plant for upgrades, approving holidays, and more.
Written by: Hope Calahan
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