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The Alabama Department of Public Health wants to raise awareness about a dangerous gas while giving our neighbors to the South a chance to protect themselves and their families.
The Alabama Department of Public Health is giving Alabama households the opportunity to order a free radon test kit to determine if their home is at risk.
Radon, a radioactive gas that can’t be seen or smelled, is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.
The gas is the result of uranium breaking down in soil and water. When outdoors, it disperses harmlessly into the air. When trapped indoors, however, it can increase the risk of lung cancer.
Local counties include Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, and Morgan.
The only cost to homeowners for the radon test kit will be the return shipping fee.
For more information or to order a kit, visit alabamapublichealth.gov.
Written by: Ed Carter
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