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Giles County Voters will have an Opportunity to Vote on Sale and Use Tax Increase

todayOctober 2, 2024 97

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Giles County voters will have another opportunity to vote on a sale and use tax increase on the November 5th ballot. A resolution proposes to add .25% making the tax 9.75% to purchases in the county, outside the city of Pulaski, and commit one-half of the revenue for additional funding for the school system. The city of Pulaski voted to increase its local option tax to the state maximum of 9.75% in 2008 but was not obligated to share the increased revenue with the schools. If the voters agree, the schools will receive an additional .25% from sales in both the city and county. Equalizing the city and county tax rate guarantees school funding moving forward and is estimated to double Pulaski’s financial contribution to Giles County education. If adopted, 50% of the county’s additional revenue shall directly benefit the Giles County school system and be spent for “school purposes”. The remaining 50% shall be distributed to the county in unincorporated areas and municipalities in incorporated cities. The proposal also allows them to provide an alternative distribution of the new funds not allocated to school purposes. If passed, the new tax assessment could begin by the end of the year.

Written by: Hope Calahan

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